Nathan Makarowski
Talent Acquisition Coordinator

Nathans's role as a Talent Acquisition Coordinator fills his bucket! He enjoys being the initial touchpoint into CWB for many different people, and nothing makes him happier than encouraging someone on their career journey. Nathan doesn't just help find talented candidates – he also manages the marketing for the Banking Associate program.
If you're interested in joining CWB, Nathan has some advice: believe in yourself and go for it! You never know what can happen if you apply for a role - it might just be the best decision of your life.
Nathan is an enthusiastic individual with many interests and loves to try new things. He’s an architecture enthusiast who lives and breathes big city skylines. He’s also an avid Edmonton Oilers fan, and a member of their event team. Recently, Nathan developed a passion for fashion. And not just any clothes - these days it's all about suits and ties! He’s become known around the CWB office as the ‘suit guy’.
Nathan is currently studying Strategy, Entrepreneurship, and Management at the University of Alberta and plans to graduate in spring 2023.
If you want to chat about what makes CWB such a great place to work, reach out to Nathan on LinkedIn.